Israel’s Zionists in Gaza, the West Bank, and Palestine at large, continue to indifferently slaughter innocent civilian Palestinian men, women, children and
Photo via Wikimedia Commons By Michael Brenner Europe has an obsession with Jews. For nearly 2 millennia, it hated them and persecuted them. Now, after a respite of a few decades, contempt and abuse is directed at Muslims – primarily Arab Muslims – with uncanny similarities, all in the name of supporting Jews. Israel’s inhuman treatment of the Palestinians – culminating in their massacre and mass eviction from Gaza – leaves Europeans unmoved. Instead, they cheer on the Israelis, outdo themselves
Michael Brenner subjects the audaciously aggressive U.S. strategic posture to the kind of examination that he finds remarkably absent, even at the highest levels of government.
By Michael Brenner
U.S. foreign policy has set the country on a course destined to lead to a world of rivalry, str