Stuff on cnn and k if i read it. Thanks for joining us but i will not do a lot of talking today because of a distinguished panel today that has written and have written some really neat books. The format today will be we will have a conversation, partially about the books but also the state of the above can Party National election and we feel that evolves. We would do that for about 30 minutes is want to get to your questions so you can ask directly of our panelists. Lets start with the first panelist hugh hewitt, really needs no introduction but nationally syndicated talk way to show host, you see on tv all the time but can you tell us about your new book and the name of that out . Sure. We get the demo went because we did not bring copies of her books. Are you doing a book signing later . Perfect. You usually hold it up and brian lamb at cspan is dying laughing now. My book is called the fourth way, it came out, so supposedly written but the day after the earthquake, Simon Schuster s