temperament or act irration a y ally, what can happen and you pray for a successful presidency. at least i do. you know it is actually interesting. this is a man, michael, who seemingly filled with contradictions. people are concerned about donald trump on one hand from maybe not having the right temperament, and maybe starting an unnecessary war. yet, foreign policy experts are concerned actually that he may not be willing enough to use american power and american force in much the same way they were critical for barack obama for not going into syria. is there a risk that america reverts back to what it was on
you have to wait until he takes office and do things before you make the judgments that people are too quick to make prematurely in my judgment. a lot of examples of this in history. john f. kennedy brings the best and brightest to this town. a young man to change things. one of the colossal mistakes that any president could make was his first big decision to let that go forward. then from then on, any number of examples. richard nixon won a historic landslide for his second term and couldn t finish the term because he was deeply involved in watergate, a third-rate burglary. two years later. yeah. he is out. he is out. so let s in the get ahead of ourselves and wait and react to what happens. quickly. i want to read barnicle s piece. something will happen this year probably the next few months and we will learn how donald trump handles these things. he was introduced last night or will be this morning to the nuclear football. he ll learn when he gives the order, if that order
massive landslide saying, my god, what is happening out there? people were shocked that ronald reagan was going to this b-list actor was going to be the next president of the united states. here we are in the age of twitter and reality tv and a product of that time is about to be the 45th president of the united states. sure is and one of the most fascinating things about our system the last 44 presidents, americans have said this job is so hard and so important, you can t have someone who hasn t had military experience or experience in public office. now for the first time, we are departing from that for a man who wears that as a badge of honor saying i wasn t corrupted by the system. but i m so glad you mentioned, you know, kennedy and reagan. when kennedy came in, you re absolutely right, this day in 1961 and truman and eisenhower and a lot of these people are looking very skeptically at him, he changed their minds almost instantly in the way he did it was he gave this 14-minute
town so based on bipartisanship. i had dinner with an ambassador, one of our closest allies. i kept pushing him. were you nervous about this statement? are you nervous about that statement? are you nervous about and he was it was like, ed it a lot like marco which was why don t we just wait until he becomes president of the united states? we are going to be fine. what he said is what i m hearing from a lot of foreign leaders, again, the donald trump you hear on tv or is speaking to the times of london is not the donald trump who has been on the phone for an hour with their leader. he apparently has been on the phone calling a lot of leaders who actually like the attention he is giving now. there is high anxiety around the world, joe, as people look at this man about to become president who has expressed ideas that are really startling. he has called nato obsolete and