reconciliation, between the different traditions on a wild and between ireland and britain between the years of the peace process. it is appropriate that this is rightfully recognised in this chamber today. i recognise that she was a courageous and gracious leader stomp with the late deputy ist minister mike mcguinness and i met with the queen in 2012, during her time met with the queen in 2012, during hertime in met with the queen in 2012, during her time injubilee and thereafter at windsor castle during the state visit of the president of ireland michael bay huygens in 2014, her warmth, kindness and unfailing courtesy towards us was appreciated. as he returns to northern ireland today as monarch for the first time, the king will be following a legacy respected ijy be following a legacy respected by so many people right across this land. sirjohn maguire reporting, anotherfull day ahead, sirjohn maguire reporting, another full day ahead, we will have more on that a little late in the p