of carnage because nobody else matters. it s also, i think there may be some good performances, but you can t tell because the camera never stays still long enough to notice. if this was 80 minutes long, it would be ok, fine. i mean, all michael bay films are like being struck over the head whilst being shouted at at the same time. and for 80 minutes, you d probably get away with it two hours and 20. it s like, please stop. you know, hey, it s i ve said this. it s the michael bay film that i dislike the least, and i dare them to put that on the poster. i want that on the poster. escape from mogadishu. south korea s entry for the best international feature oscar wasn t nominated. it s based on a true story. in 1991, north and south korean diplomats are in mogadishu. get caught up in the uprising against bari. the north koreans end up at the door of the south korean embassy, saying, look, we need refuge, but they re not allowed to work together. they absolutely have to stay separate. the
you go, it s drones. the visual pyrotechnics, i think, are partly there to distract our attention from the fact that the film makes no sense whatsoever. i mean, it s like, ok, the thing is, we have to save this one cop in the back of the thing. and in the process of doing so, we will cause massive amounts of carnage because nobody else matters. it s also, i think there may be some good performances, but you can t tell because the camera never stays still long enough to notice. if this was 80 minutes long, it would be ok, fine. it s, like, absolutely splat. i mean, all michael bay films are like being struck over the head whilst being shouted at at the same time. and for 80 minutes, you d probably get away with it. two hours and 20, it s like, please, stop. you know, hey, it s. i ve said this before. it s the michael bay film that i dislike the least, and i dare them to put that on the poster. i want that on the poster. escape from mogadishu. south korea s entry for the best inter
michael bay doesn t do sensitivity. michael bay does everything explodes all the time. boom, crash. in the case of this, he s aided by a drone camera, which is being piloted by the drone racing league world champion, alex vanover. and boy, don t you know it! i ve never seen so much drone action up the side of buildings, under bridges, in through things, up people s nostrils. i mean, everywhere you go, it s drones. the visual pyrotechnics, i think, are partly there to distract our attention from the fact that the film makes no sense whatsoever. i mean, it s like, ok, the thing is, we have to save this one cop in the back of the thing. and in the process of doing so, we will cause massive amounts of carnage because nobody else matters. it s also, i think there may be some good performances, but you can t tell because the camera never stays still long enough to notice. if this was 80 minutes long, it would be ok, fine. it s, like, absolutely splat. i mean, all michael bay films are
michael bay does everything explodes all the time. boom, crash. in the case of this, he s aided by a drone camera, which is being piloted by the drone racing league world champion, alex vanover. and boy, don t you know it! i ve never seen so much drone action up the side of buildings, under bridges, in through things, up people s nostrils. i mean, everywhere you go, it s drones. the visual pyrotechnics, i think, are partly there to distract our attention from the fact that the film makes no sense whatsoever. i mean, it s like, ok, the thing is, we have to save this one cop in the back of the thing. and in the process of doing so, we will cause massive amounts of carnage because nobody else matters. it s also, i think there may be some good performances, but you can t tell because the camera never stays still long enough to notice. if this was 80 minutes long, it would be ok, fine. it s, like, absolutely splat. i mean, all michael bay films are like being struck over the head w