doubt. on the other hand all normal protocols we with could find, at least to our knowledge at this point, were followed here. dr. michael bauden, pathologist was allowed to attend the autopsy when it was conducted last sunday. but that is something that is allowed, representative from the family can view the autopsy, or for the person who s deceased, i should say, nicolle. that is something allowed and was allowed last sunday to occur. i think it s completely normal, particularly in a case like this, with as much attention on it, intense media focus, intense law enforcement focus for them to take several days just to double-check and make sure they have all of the information and can basically soak in whatever findings they found from their investigation and things with the mcc to include that in this report and come up with the determination they have come up with today. tom winter, thank you very much for staying on this and joining us with the breaking news. joyce, i want to come
merc america live we are honored to have more than a dozen severely wounded warriors working with this program and they will be live here on that program. they are getting a special tribute at ground zero tomorrow. these are men who went and risked their lives for this country, fighting abroad and paid dearly, paid a dear physical price. then tomorrow we ll go to ground zero for some of them for the first time, and then they will come here live to the studio to talk to us and give us all a lesson in patriotism and what it really means to be an american on july 4th. if you see no other tv this week, set your tivo. this will be worth watching. well, coming up, a bizarre scene in court. moments after being found guilty of arson, a man appears to pop something in his mouth and he dies moments later. what could it have been? in three minutes, forensic pathologist michael bauden explains what he believes really happened here. fireworks over the
separate searches it was one search that repeated itself 84 times. it may be plausible. and i want to say thanks to a terrific panel. anaand dr. michael bauden . peter, you guys have been terrific. you are the best. you are amazing, too. two-four eastern catch the business block in his entirity beginning two-four pm. thanks for watching our coverage of the casey anthony. state ahead with molly and i will see you four hours from now four-6:00 eastern time. have a great saturday, everybody. america land of the free. the government controls the
just simply as jenna brought out, they ve been down this road so many different times with different types of so- called evidence and findings and so on and so forth, and as they are hanging on this morning, you know, they have known about this, they knew that the jawbone belonged to a caucasian female, but the odds of it washing on shore, even though local islanders told me the storm system brought up so much old debris on the beaches that they weren t shocked that something would watch up, the family knew all along they would sit by the phone and not make a whole lot of public statements until they really knew the details of this. very sad for them because they are so desperate to find closure. back to you guys. jenna: joining us is dr. michael bauden, a fox news contributor that has joined us several times to talk about this case and interesting talking to you ahead of the show today, as the hours have ticked by, have you grown more optimistic or less optimistic about finding out ab
sorry for tphao tally s parents. it s interesting. think of natalie s parents. if this had been natalie, it would destroy any hope that she s alive, so the family is in a bind, wanting a conclusion but wanting natalie to still be alive. jon: dr. michael bauden, nice to have you on, thank you. states faced with huge budget shortfalls are now forced to consider cut medicaid. might they actually end that federal health program for the poor? that s coming up.