Turn it off at only does that mean youre present, we have cspan recording the event and we have all wireless signals going around and in the hopes of not interrupting anything, if you can turn your cell phone off to the presentation, we really appreciate it, dont worry, all your problems will be on them later, you wont lose anything. Also since we do have cspan here tonight and we dont have microphone for the crowd for questions u during the q a if you do have a question, if you dont mind standing up and speaking loudly so they would be able to hear on the cameras, that would be wonderful as well. Also i do want to remind you we will have pbs master will be joining and author tico and later this month we will be hosting dr. Joe biden coming to miami to discuss her new book, so all of this all events can be found on the website, booksandbooks. Com. Our stores in bell harbour, Sunnyland Shopping Center in pine crest and newest location in coconut grove. Check them all out, they are all w