Thrombolex, Inc. – BASHIR™ Endovascular Catheters Show Dramatic Reduction in Thromboembolic Occlusions in Segmental Pulmonary Arteries of Patients with.
MONDAY, Jan. 17, 2022 (American Heart Association News) Surgeons recently transplanted a genetically modified pig s heart into a man with life-threatening heart failure. The successful surgery became a medical
MONDAY, Jan. 17, 2022 (American Heart Association News) Surgeons recently transplanted a genetically modified pig s heart into a man with life-threatening heart failure. The successful surgery became a medical
Philips showcases world’s first spectral detector angio-CT solution at RSNA 2021
Solution combines breakthrough spectral detector CT imaging and real-time fluoroscopy in a flexible environment where all modalities are operated through Philips image-guided therapy system – Azurion with FlexArm
Philips’ Spectral detector CT imaging in the interventional suite brings valuable additional information in minimally-invasive procedures for areas such as oncology, stroke, and trauma care