Two. Here i have two women who appeared to die the same way. Lightning dont strike the same place twice. Thats a whole lot of women dead at the bottom of the stairs in this guys life, dont you think . But what looked like the end of this story its really stuff made for tv drama. Was just another beginning. I always had hope. It has to be made right. When the cell doors slide shut with a resounding clank i was a wreck during this period. I really was. When the sun will come up through razor wire every day for the rest of your life thats where it begins and ends. A convicts glimmer of a successful appeal and retrial i always had hope. It has to be made right. But in the real world of criminal justice, most of the time once youre inside, youre done. This is reality that we couldnt change. But not every case ends the way youd expect. Meet Michael Peterson. His case, which defies all odds, became known as the staircase murder. The sensational investigation and trial that ensued would rip a
El nino que vino del mar. ¿y tengo que ponerme tambien esto . Si, felipe. Ay, mis amigos no me van a conocer. No te muevas, por favor. Ay, me jalas. Ay, esperame tantito, por favor, no te muevas. Ay. Ya casi terminamos, mira que te vas a ver bien bonita. No, ya estoy bonita. ¿ya nos vamos . Que linda te ves, nisa. Ay, ustedes estan preciosas. Es que vamos a ver a felipin. Que emocion. Ay. ¿pero como que no te firmo nada la mujer esa . Es que cuando el di el dinero se me olvido que firmara el papel, senora. ¿y como demonios le voy a cobrar, me quieres decir . Ay, senora alberta, ese dia me sentia muy mal, ya le dije. Pretextos, esos si los sabes inventar muy bien. Senora alberta, a mi me da mucha pena, de veras. A mi me importa muy poco tu pena, me importa el recibo firmado, asi que ve pensando como le vas hacer, morena, porque si no viene esa mujer a pagarme, tu me lo pagas. Ay ¿pero yo . Fijate, tendras que trabajar conmigo hasta que termines de pagar la deuda de esa mujer, mas l