that s what the experts say is driving the election. jobs and jobless numbers. all candidates on the stump today in new hampshire and south carolina say they can do better on the job front than president obama. some are making claims about their own job creating records that don t stand up to scrutiny. their case against the administration got a little harder to make. that s because new job numbers came out. unemployment fell down two-tenths of a percent. these are decent, not spectacular numbers for recovery by mi means. president obama was cautious. there are a lot of people that are still hurting out there. after losing more than 8 million jobs in the recession, obviously, you know, we have a lot more work to do. state and local government workers have been hardest hit. nearly a quarter million public sector jobs eliminated last year including more than 100,000 teachers. jon huntsman called the report good news but said we could be doing better. ron paul said the same