president. he was heavily critical of the british intelligence sfrervices accusing them of spying on his campaign. he said they were teaming up with the obama administration. the president, as you heard in those remark, suggesting that they can make an agreement on anything in terms of restrictions on intelligence sharing in case the brits don t go forward with some sort of a similar restriction that the u.s. has put on huawei. the president seemed to express no real concern saying it will happen. it was easy for the president to say what he wanted today. can was speaking to an out going prime minister. this does remain a point of tension between the two sides. thank you all so much. coming up, mexican stand off. the president says he s going ahead with those tariffs against mexico despite opposition from his own party and his own
analyst julian zelizer. an interesting picture here. a child in a diaper and flip flops which has been seen all over the world. the daily news showing the mexican standoff. there are those who are critical of american immigration policies saying what you are seeing are migrants invading the united states. there are others who say what you are seeing is desperation and the united states has to fix its policy. that is right. that s why leadership is important. that is why cooler heads need to prevail. you have to step back and see if this is an invasion or a bad incident that happened at the border that shouldn t lead to reversal of immigration policies. those are the real questions that have to take place in washington. according to the president, this is the key reason why we are sending reinforcements.
prosecutors are looking for something rather than doing their job. neil: and you re trying to find out what that something is if you re rudy guliani as if the mueller folks will tell you that. so looks like a mexican standoff. it s not going to happen, right? and it won t. why should it? if the president is smart and he s very smart, this is a fishing expedition on mueller s part to bring back more attention. so the fact that we re talking about this as the american people a year after the investigation commenced, it s time to wrap up and say no, this isn t going to happen, there s nothing here, move on. neil: it s a separate issue. i wanted to bounce this off you. we re told now peter strzok will be on capitol hill thursday of this week, the day before we re learning that lisa page will be deposed by the house committee in a closed session. i don t know what that is about. i know there s in noise about their royal and how partial they
in fact, kellyanne conway went further, she says they are going to find out and they are going to get fired. listen. some leaks exist to hurt, i guess colleagues. some leaks exist because they disagree with the policies that are being put forth. but none of them are helpful. i think the president is on solid ground here. that if you work at the pleasurable of the president as we all do here, and you have the privilege and the blessing of come today work in this white house on behalf of the nation we all love, you ought to be competent. you ought to be loyal. you ought to be able to reinforce the agenda that prevailed here. ido you expect personnel changes as a result. i do. actually, dime. brian: jonathan swan goes through. this i ask your leakers why you leak. one inaccurate record of what is taking place at the white house. workers, he goes look at as a mexican standoff. look at each other we are going to get shot we might as well shoot each other.
house gets angry about leaks. in the obama administration, leaking was a cardinal sin. but it also didn t happen as much. and they would argue, i think, that it s because people believed in the boss and they would probably explain the leaking in the trump white house as in some ways a lack of loyalty. do you think that s what s going on? i think also the obama white house, or people who had worked for president obama, would say that they had each other s backs as well. they didn t feel like they were in a, to use the term that jonathan swan used, mexican standoff. that they were all in it together and they also, i think, had a pretty good idea of what the boss wanted to achieve with specific goals. and there wasn t as much confusion about what he would want and, therefore, there wasn t as much to leak about, about like internal disputes. i think there is a lot of confusion even when the president talks and tweets, we who are publicly who are publicly getting his information, we don