A City Council committee on Monday got a closer look at some of the numbers dictating how, when and where the rail line is likely to be built. Some of the details? Planners have suggested a new timeline, costs and stations for the proposed light rail line; and a consultant is defending an uptown route.
This drawing shows how the proposed Silver Line might eventually curve around the north side of uptown Charlotte toward 11th Street, with a station at Graham Street.
Charlotte Area Transit System s board has approved revisions to the proposed Lynx Silver Line light rail route, including extensions to Union and Gaston counties.
Wednesday s vote by the Metropolitan Transit Commission, which oversees CATS, means design work can continue on the 29-mile, east-west line through uptown Charlotte. It comes after months of public workshops that examined possible route alignments in six focus areas.
Charlotte Area Transit System The approved route map for the Silver Line shows how it connects Gaston County (left) with the airport, uptown and Matthews and Union County (lower right) .