Property listings nationwide are being disrupted due to an apparent ransomware attack against California-based Rapattoni, which hosts Multiple Listing Services used
Property listings nationwide are being disrupted due to an apparent ransomware attack against California-based Rapattoni, which hosts Multiple Listing Services used
Sacramento, California-based MetroList Services, which has about 21,500 subscribers, acquired the Sutter Yuba Association of Realtors MLS at the end of 2020, adding four counties to its footprint. The deal is part of a multi-year trend of consolidation among MLSs looking to provide better services and achieve economies of scale for their agent, broker and appraiser members.
SYAOR MLS was founded in 1967 and has about about 650 subscribers. Once the transition of SYAOR MLS to MetroList is complete in the second quarter of 2021, the former will be shut down, though SYAOR’s Yuba City office will become a MetroList Administrative Center where its staff will continue to provide association and MLS-related services to their members, according to MetroList.