Tightening the probe against well-known Malayalam producer-actor Vijay Babu in a rape case, Kerala police on Thursday said "prima facie that is a proved case" and a lookout notice has been issued against the accused who has reportedly left the country. 🎥 Vijay Babu Sexual Assault Case: Kerala Police Issues Lookout Notice Against The Malayalam Actor-Producer.
Vairamuthu was accused by Singer Chinmayi Sripada and some others of sexual harassment, during the peak of the #MeToo movement.
The video showcases a teenage girl who falls in love with a poet, who is greying and at least more than twice her age.
Chennai: Popular Tamil lyricist and poet Vairamuthu is at the receiving end of netizens’ ire after a song he wrote with blatantly Pedophilic overtones and lyrics was released on his YouTube Channel. The video song titled ‘En Kadhala’ (my lover) is part of a 100 song project by Vairamuthu known as ‘Naatpadu Theral’. The video showcases a teenage girl who falls in love with a poet, who is greying and at least more than twice her age.