Saturday, 15 May 2021, 1:30 pm
New Zealand scientists interviewed on Newshub [1] calling
for loosening regulatory controls on Genetic Engineering
must heed warnings from overseas, and international
standards of regulation need to be strengthened against the
risks of genetically engineered (GE) viruses and
A new report by the Institute for
Responsible Technology [2] is an alert for government
regulators and scientists that GE technologies like CRISPR
of viruses and microbes urgently requires stronger controls
in the US and globally.
This contradicts the views of
The Malaghan Institute scientists calling for changes to New
Zealand’s Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO)
Act that would exempt regulation of GE techniques like
Press Release – GE Free NZ New Zealand scientists interviewed on Newshub [1] calling for loosening regulatory controls on Genetic Engineering must heed warnings from overseas, and international standards of regulation need to be strengthened against the risks of genetically …
New Zealand scientists interviewed on Newshub [1] calling for loosening regulatory controls on Genetic Engineering must heed warnings from overseas, and international standards of regulation need to be strengthened against the risks of genetically engineered (GE) viruses and microbes.
A new report by the Institute for Responsible Technology [2] is an alert for government regulators and scientists that GE technologies like CRISPR of viruses and microbes urgently requires stronger controls in the US and globally.