will lead to a metaphorical blue wave. the only thing that stands in the way, the quality of some of their candidates. it s low. law professor katie porter, democrat running for congress in a basically republican leaning district in orange county california. porter submitted to a progressive activist group and she shows she supports the creation of the department of peace building, dude as long as reparations for african-americans and left-wing ideas that most people think are stupid. and meanwhile all: lost the endorsement after the members revolted against her candidacy. it has been caught faking key aspects of her biography, calling her state quote the meth lab of democracy, welcome to arizona, and set on a radio show said that she did not care if americans join the tile man.
will lead to a metaphorical blue wave. the only thing that stands in the way, the quality of some of their candidates. it s low.e law professor katie porter, democrat running for congress in a basically republican leaning district in orange county california. porter submitted to a progressive activist group and she shows she supports the creation of the department of peace building, dude as long as reparations for african-americans and left-wing ideas that most people think are stupid. lost the endorsement after the members revolted against her candidacy. she has been caught faking key aspects of her biography, calling her state quote the meth lab of democracy, welcome to arizona, and set on a radio show said that she did not care ifb americans join the taliban.
candidate from arizona, and that is democrat kyrsten sinema. she got more bad news today and she deserved it. she just lost the endorsement of the arizona state troopers association. this is a group that had supported her in three past elections. they are now realizing like many americans that kyrsten sinema s talk way too radical for arizona voters. her comments calling arizona the meth lab of democracy. arizonans, crazy. saying this is shocking to everybody, but it s okay. after 9/11 for americans to go and join the enemy. right after 9-11. and by the way who is she up against? martha mcsally. 28 years serving her country, six tours of duty and combat in iraq and afghanistan. this is the single most radical crop of democrats ever to seek office, and in less than two weeks from tonight you have the
candidate from arizona, democratic kyrsten sinema. she got more bad news today and she deserved it. you just will loss the endorsement of the arizona stat. this was a group that supported her and three past elections. they are now realizing, like many americans, that sinema is way too radical for arizona voters. remember her comments, calling arizona the meth lab of democracy. arizonans crazy, saying this is shocking to everybody, that it s okay, after 9/11, for americans to go join the enemy, the taliban. right after 9/11! she was inviting that radical attorney for the blind sheikh to arizona university. who is she up against? martha mcsally. six tours of combat in iraq and afghanistan. this is the single most radical crop of democrats ever to seek office. less than two weeks from tonight, you have the power to
she s taking her on. she called the state of arizona. she wants their votes. the meth lab of democracy. she was also caught on tape multiple times calling arizonans crazy. she wants your vote. and even made fun of her state for being famous but only in a lindsay lohan kind of way. in 2003, she suggested it s fine for americans to fight for the taliban. featuring a far-left radical lawyer who represent the blind shake. and she also invited witches to the rally. the rnc used her own words against her in this brand-new