story which informs the deeds of future [ bleep ] in fact it can lead in all probability to another shooting within weeks. so the only way you can stop this is to show some responsibility in the reporting. right now, the media functions like mindless meter maid and that s no offense to meter maids. after all they did look the other way when i keyed jessie waters ferrari. but in a way reporters are often just writing tickets, doing the job necessary right then and right there with little or no moral responsibility for the future. and it s the same media who, after turning every shooting into a spectacle of infan any then complains why does this always happen? well, because evil exists and you amplify it, you dumb as. you think repetition of the same old facts doesn t matter? why do you think we have advertisers? you think we ran the same old snuggy ad every five minutes
was coming come the so-called lawyer is just an ai chat pot smartphone app that listens to everything going on in the courtroom and then tells the defendant want to say via an earpiece, this is technology i could when a space out on the five listening to jesse watters, its creator says one day you can replace lawyers, because it is about having a mastery of legal language and that s what they charge hundreds of dollars to do. they are called do not pay, which is what i said when they hired kat, developed by a stanford student in 2015 tough fight parking tickets, and that s way easier than seducing all of the meter maids, right? they have a very tight back seat. this is amazing, and imagine having this thing like your phone and every legal question, you just put an end there, because it has every case ever and can make better decisions than any judge or lawyer! kat: that s why the
they managed to beat me down to the point where i am 11 points over all the time. i never very anymore in the last and is working out for me right now. the problem is you still get the tickets if you run through a video narc, they still bust you and they don t give you allowance for the 11 miles over. the whole thing is idiotic that this is good to take racism out of policing talk about not fixing a problem, the problem if it s a real problem the young racist cops the need to get rid of the racist cops. this does not fix that, here is the other thing i live in washington, d.c. for 15 years there was not a single agency or department in the whole city that worked effectively except the parking department the meter maids were the most efficient
They park there simply because there’s no other place for them to pick up/deliver their goods to the stores/residents. I’ve seen this all over the city. Probably not “technically” legal but SPD/Meter Maids know they have no other choice.
IRONIC TWIST There s been an ironic twist in the landmark case of a whistleblowing career nurse in Brisbane who triggered a legal storm last year after she dared speak up about training flaws impacting student nurses. Margaret Gilbert has assumed the role of acting president of her union, the Nurses Professional Association of Queensland, which spearheaded the defence in her ongoing case. Fittingly, she expects to drop the acting bit and take on the presidency full-time in March, coinciding with the expected release of a ruling in her matter. Gilbert, who has had an exemplary career spanning more than 40 years, was hit with a show cause notice in early 2020 claiming she may have breached media guidelines after she highlighted falling standards in bachelor nursing degrees and a decline in practical skills.