<p>For decades, Zaruma has been the scene of intense gold mining activity, which takes place through the opening of tunnels even with explosives under the city.</p>
#Nature Historic low in more than 50 years for the Paraná River in Argentina.
In the north-east of Argentina, the river s volume has decreased so much that people are walking on its bed in front of the city of Paraná, Entre Ríos. pic.twitter.com/K4Vb8OD2SI Meteored | YourWeather (@MeteoredUK) July 20, 2021
The top hemispheric factor contributing to drought conditions in South America is summer 2020 La Nina. It managed to push cold water in the eastern Pacific Ocean and reduced precipitation across the region.
Droughts threaten to damage crop yields in South American economies reeling from the virus pandemic and exacerbate the global food shortage pushing food prices higher.