Indie folk artist Izzy Heltai is returning this week with his new EP, Day Plan (5 Songs Written 4 The End of The World). The new EP closely follows his 2020 debut album, Father, which saw Izzy explore his experience as a trans man through emotionally raw lyricism and richly constructed instrumental arrangements.
Love sprouts from the darkest of places sometimes. 22-year-old Taylor and 21-year-old Jonathan’s relationship spawned from Grindr, a site known for gay hook-ups. “It’s so bad. I know,” admits Taylor. “I had actually never used [the site] before. I had literally got it for the sole purpose of showing my hetero friends how disgusting the gay world can be. So I guess I kind of proved myself wrong.” Taylor’s profile caught Jonathan’s eye. “He stood out because he wasn’t some chunky looking Chelsea guy. I just kind of knew that we would hit it off,” said Jonathan. It took Taylor a while to warm up to the idea. “I didn’t really trust anyone on that site because of its rep