It sounds like the set-up to a bad joke. An Evangelical, a Catholic and a Jew walk into a Mormon recreation of first-century Jerusalem. But itâs not too far from what Dallas Jenkins has achieved with a multiseason series about the life of Jesus, called The Chosen.
The Chosen is the most successful online series you have never heard of. Its first season raised more money than any crowd-funded entertainment project ever, $10 million from over 19,000 people. The second season equalled that. It has been released in more than 180 countries via a dedicated free app,, and has been translated into 50 languages.
Christians all over the world celebrate some form of this event, and it’s come to be known as the Last Supper. Christ instituted it 2000 years ago. Does the Last Supper have meaning for us today?
Ynet news portal at the weekend ran a story on some of the fringe political parties that have persevered election after election (and there’ve been quite a few of late) in trying to win seats in the Knesset. We rearranged the title and focus of that article to better suit the interests of our Christian readers ahead of the March 23 vote.
Most of the media surveys only include the dozen or so parties expected to pass the electoral threshold and actually be represented in the 24th Knesset. But there are actually a whopping 39 parties running. And that doesn’t come close to the record 47(!) parties that ran in the April 2019 election.
Bikat Kinarot Center where Return Ministries operates the Aliyah Return Center
JERUSALEM, Israel – The Jewish Agency for Israel, a world-renowned organization responsible for helping millions of Jews immigrate to Israel, says it is cutting ties with a Christian ministry over allegations of missionary activity.
For years, the Jewish Agency has partnered with Return Ministries, a Canadian organization dedicated to assisting Jews make “Aliyah” (immigrate to Israel) and building bridges between Christian Zionists and the State of Israel.
Return Ministries runs the Aliyah Return Center, which operates at The Jewish Agency’s Bikat Kinarot educational facility south of the Sea of Galilee. There, the agency helps new immigrants (olim), lone soldiers, and Israelis in need through a variety of programs. The Aliyah Return Center partners with the agency by renovating and developing the campus and often brings Christian pilgrims and volunteers to the site.