what s scary is if you lookda at the other areas like border education and crimy.er educae, h you re also seeing them become the physical embodiment of that partemy. so no rules, no policies enforced. so thank you, jessica. yes. messen so, martha, as you dgeo in debates. so since your name was invoked, i ll you some time, but that s really generous. if george.th any second 30 seconds, no response. y if if george gascon is still there and those policies are still therare st e, karen bass is announcing that. what expectation could we have? and ken, to greg s questioe han can democrats actually change their stripes? well, i thinkange their so. george gascon is still there, but chesa boudin was recalled in san francisc t.o. it really is going on a city by city basis. this obviously has to befront a front of everyone who works in law enforcement to do this. thisn law karen bass making go on promises that she made during the campaign. she ra beanti-crime campaign to win the mayor