lieutenant colonel oliver north? good to see you lieutenant colonel? what is new today? do you think this offensive is going to be different and more productive than the ones we have seen before? well, look, we are now in the third month of this fight for the city of mosul. the second largest city in all mess b.we were there last md finish up the special air the after the new year. only the kurds have successfully beaten isis. isis will eventually and i want to emphasize that word eventually will be defeated in mosul. isis isn t going to go away any time soon. the problem is that the obama administration s propaganda. in fact, no offense to you, because i have seen the press release, the propaganda about a u.s. led coalition is fiction. i mean, if it s actually being led it s being done by remote control and we were there. you cannot find a u.s. special operator operating forward with the iraqi special operations forces.
lieutenant colonel oliver north? good to see you lieutenant colonel? what is new today? do you think this offensive is going to be different and more productive than the ones we have seen before? well, look, we are now in the third month of this fight for the city of mosul. the second largest city in all mess b.we were there last md finish up the special air the after the new year. only the kurds have successfully beaten isis. isis will eventually and i want to emphasize that word eventually will be defeated in mosul. isis isn t going to go away any time soon. the problem is that the obama administration s propaganda. in fact, no offense to you, because i have seen the press release, the propaganda about a u.s. led coalition is fiction. i mean, if it s actually being led it s being done by remote control and we were there. you cannot find a u.s. special operator operating forward with the iraqi