SOCIAL News: WhatsApp is testing a feature to disable link previews for a cleaner chat interface. The new option caters to user preferences, offering flexibility i
Apple recently announced that it will start to support RCS Messaging in 2024, this guide is designed to explain what RCS Messaging is and why it is good
of when i here people talking about her is authoritarian. which is so weird. what? no, look, i don t think of her that way, that s the word that people say. the first race she ran for was san francisco d.a. you know what i read into that? i read into that somebody who loves the law. i don t think she has thought of herself as a politician in the same way that some of these other people woke up every day like you know and said what do i do to become president of the united states. i wonder if she just never had the same aspiration. i think she couldn t decide to what lane ro run in and barack obama was skill enough to run in several lams at the same time she didn t have that kind of messaging experience. that s a hard coalition to try to read about. she s most at home as a prosecutor and as a public explainer. i thought she s very good at it. she never was totally consistent