report in 2014 that says, the department of justice arranged meeting with lois lerner. remember here, she was in charge of this war on tea party. after jack smith read a new york time article, don a donor names remain secretive. jack smith sees that article, after reading it, he wrote the department of the justice colleagues. check out the article on front page of new york times regards mess use of nonprofits for indirectly funding campaigns. this seems egregious to me, could he charge ever charge con spasy to violate laws of
report in 2014 that says, the department of justice arranged meeting with lois lerner. remember here, she was in charge of this war on tea party. after jack smith read a new york time article, do donor names remain secretive. jack smith sees that article, after reading it, he wrote the department of the justice colleagues. check out the article on front page of new york times regards mess use of nonprofits for indirectly funding campaigns. this seems egregious to me, could he charge ever charge con spasy to violate laws of
report in 2014 that says, the department of justice arranged meeting with lois lerner. remember here, she was in charge of this war on tea party. after jack smith read a new york time article, don a donor names remain secretive. jack smith sees that article, after reading it, he wrote the department of the justice colleagues. check out the article on front page of new york times regards mess use of nonprofits for indirectly funding campaigns. this seems egregious to me, could he charge ever charge con spasy to violate laws of