yes you do. thought these were electric? yes, it s a uh, a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it. you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell s chunky. it s amazing what soup can do. oh, man. mr. clean is dominating the competition! mr. clean is tackling mess like some sort of mess tackler. oh, and what s this? [ sniffs ] that s the scent of gain original fresh. that counts as a performance enhancer. i am complaining to the cleaning products athletics board. did you just make that up? yes, i did, and i m the president. you re losing it, buddy. maybe you should hit the showers. mr. clean already did. they re spotless. i bet. [ male announcer ] introducing mr. clean with gain original fresh scent. victory over dirt s never been easier or smelled so great.
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or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. she won t eat eggs without hot sauce. she has kind of funny looking toes. she s always touching my hair. and she does this dancing finger thing. [ male announcer ] with advanced technology from ge, now doctors can diagnose diseases like breast cancer on a cellular level. so that women, like kristy s mom, can get personalized treatment that s as unique as she is. [ kristy ] she s definitely not like other moms. yeah, my mom is pretty weird. oh, man. mr. clean is dominating the competition! mr. clean is tackling mess like some sort of mess tackler.
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helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at probiotic. [ female announcer ] phillips colon health. oh, man. mr. clean is dominating the competition! mr. clean is tackling mess like some sort of mess tackler. oh, and what s this? [ sniffs ] that s the scent of gain original fresh. that counts as a performance enhancer. i am complaining to the cleaning products athletics board. did you just make that up? yes, i did, and i m the president. you re losing it, buddy. maybe you should hit the showers. mr. clean already did. they re spotless. i bet. [ male announcer ] introducing mr. clean with gain original fresh scent. victory over dirt s never been easier or smelled so great.