PRAKASAM: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday disbursed the third tranche of the YSR Sunna Vaddu scheme in an event held at Ongole in Prakasam district. By the press of a button, the Chief Minister transferred Rs 1,261 crore interest amount into the accounts of the 1,02,16,410 women members belonging to 9.76 lakh eligible DWCRA and Self Help Groups.
Amaravati: Asserting that the ‘Ambedkar Smruti Vanam’, which will have a 125-ft tall statue of B.R. Ambedkar, will be readied at Swaraj Maidan in Vijayawada by April 14, 2023, Social Welfare Minister Merugu Nagarjuna said TDP Chief Chandrababu Naidu is the biggest enemy of Dalits. Speaking to media at party central office here on Thursday, the Minister said Naidu doesn’t have