The Children Will Lead the Way.
Sedona International Film Festival
Sedona Film Festival
The Sedona International Film Festival has announced the lineup for its June 12 to 20 event, which will feature screenings and events at four venues, including Harkins Theatres Sedona 6 and Sedona Performing Arts Center. The lineup includes 45 narrative features, 38 documentary features, 43 documentary shorts, 46 narrative shorts, and six animated shorts. Ticket packages start at $165. Individual tickets are $15 and go on sale June 7.
Southwest Shakespeare
Legends of the Werewolf (opens October 1),
From Tidworth With Love (opens November 11),
Hamlet (opens November 18),
Shall I Compare Thee: The Sonnets (opens April 7), and
Mojada: A Medea in Los Angeles (opens April 28) at Taliesin West. The season also includes
Arizona Citizens for the Arts
Lifetime Arts Award
Bobb Cooper, producing artistic director for Valley Youth Theatre, will receive the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award during the 40th Annual Governor’s Arts Awards ceremony happening on Friday, March 26. The new award, which may not be given every year, is designed to honor legacy achievements, contributions to the arts, and service to Arizona. Cooper will celebrate his 25th anniversary with Valley Youth Theatre on March 20. The awards are presented by the Office of the Governor and Arizona Citizens for the Arts.
It s Mine, I Bought It by Merryn Omotayo Alaka and Sam Fresquez.
Artist Chip Thomas, who often creates work using the name Jetsonorama, is also an activist, physician, and photographer. He has lived and worked for more than three decades in the Navajo Nation, where he curates a mural project called the Painted Desert. His work, which often addresses social justice issues, has focused in recent months on minimizing COVID-19 impacts in Indigenous communities. Recently, he created work for the Heard Museum and Walter Productions, working with poet Esther Belin.
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