Multiple jobs and separate career paths all across the state are raising questions about the former Vassar police officer and public school administrator who was arrested in a Genesee County
Multiple jobs and separate career paths all across the state is raising questions about the former Vassar police officer and public-school administrator that was arrested in a Genesee County sting
3 Saginaw County school districts have proposals on May 4 ballot
Updated Apr 30, 10:17 AM;
Posted Apr 30, 10:17 AM
A voter holds up their sticker after casting their ballot at the Dow Event Center in Saginaw during Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020. (Kaytie Boomer | Boomer |
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SAGINAW COUNTY, MI - Residents in three Saginaw County school districts will have the opportunity to vote on ballot proposals on Tuesday, May 4.
Merrill’s millage proposal would raise up to $5.2 million for the district over not more than 12 years if approved by voters. It would levy 1.06 mills in 2021 and 2.24 mills on average annually, or $2.24 for every $1,000 of taxable property value. The district would use the millage funds for remodeling and refurbishing buildings throughout the district, improving aging bathrooms and maintenance equipment, as well as buy new buses, said Superintendent Gwen Glazier.
Saginaw, Bay City districts go remote for older students during COVID-19 surge
Updated 4:04 PM;
Today 4:04 PM
Students are picked up by their parents at Washington Elementary School, 1821 McKinley St. in Bay City on the first day of school, Sept. 6, 2016. Jacob Hamilton | MLive.comJacob Hamilton |
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SAGINAW, MI - The Saginaw and Bay City public school districts are sending their older students back to remote learning this week as Michigan continues to deal with the country’s largest current COVID-19 spike.
Saginaw Public School District has moved its high school students to remote learning starting Monday, April 12 as part of a two-week pause, according to a post on the district’s Facebook page. While the Saginaw Career Complex remains open for in-person instruction, 9th through 12th-grade students will follow their current schedules virtually.