Governor Brian P. Kemp announced 48 appointments to various boards and commissions. Board of Commissioners of the Magistrates Retirement Fund Harlan Proveaux serves as Deputy Director of Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS). In this position, he oversees the Homeland Security division which includes operations, intelligence, critical infrastructure, training, and exercise units of the […]
Marine Corps increases opportunities to be meritoriously promoted to sergeant March 11 U.S. Marine Sgt. Jonathan Foster, a logistics/embarkation specialist, pins Zephrin Green Jr. to the rank of Sergeant during a ceremony aboard Camp Lejeune, N.C., Jan. 3, 2020. (photo by Cpl. Tawanya Norwood, Marine Corps) Good news for corporals. The Marine Corps is about to increase the number of opportunities to be promoted meritoriously to sergeant, according to an administrative message released on Monday. “Commands are authorized to meritoriously promote not more than one half of one percent of the corporals on the 2nd day of the fiscal quarter (October, January, April, and July),” the MARADMIN said.