Felix Dean, who played VJ Patterson on the long-running soap, has already served jail time for a string of bizarre offences committed across Sydney and has again found himself refused bail.
Felix Dean began smoking cannabis as a 14-year-old while starring in Home and Away and moved onto meth within 12 months, eventually taking the drug intravenously.
Felix Dean has fallen hard and fast since his years starring with Ada Nicodemou as her on-screen son VJ Patterson in the long-running soap and his problems are a long way from over.
Officials are particularly concerned about workers or visitors to four LGAs
City workers have been urged to be very vigilant for even slight symptoms
NSW recorded 19 cases overnight as Sydney endures its third day of lockdown
17 of Tuesday s infections linked to previous cases, two are under investigation
One of the mystery cases lives in the eastern suburbs and the other works there