same groups to get into boarding schoool whol who then h to be the exact same groups who benefit from it. and getting into college,roup who thens need to benefit fromcg the exact same thing, getting into graduate school, who are exempt then the exactthe pr same groups who benefit from itf in the professional workforce. if it wa s working, you wouldn t need it at every step ofof the the cascade. and here s the thing. tucker. nobody makes a case for affirmative action in the nba. nobody makes a case for affirmative action in the nfl because they know why that would ruinthl basketball and itd would ruin football. none of us would want to watch h it. why do we think it s any different when it comes to science or engineering? and i will tell you from my experience in the classroom or otherwise, i think that that s exactly what s happening in our culture, is we have an assault on meritocracy and an assault on excellence. and i think that s a. n assaultn assa on the american soul. we ned to