the majority leader chuck schumer echoing optimism on the senate floor today. the respect for marriage act is precisely the kind of will democrats and republicans can rally around together and merges across the country want to see us work on. it already passed the house earlier this year with significant 47 republican votes and i m optimistic we can achieve a similar result in this chamber. appreciate your time today on inside politics hope to see you tomorrow. ana cabrera picks up our coverage on a very busy day right now. p . hello, thanks so much for joining us, i m ana cabrera in new york. the balance of power and the power struggle, right now house republicans are on the cusp of taking control and are about to meet behind closed doors. the mission, decide who will lead their conference and
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MAI AL GHADHANIYAMUSCAT, OCT 29Merit Trainings, an Omani company, signed last week an agreement to merge with Baker Tilly ME, the Middle Eastern branch of the global consulting.