Main roads through. School leaders have look at cant everywhere. They did that again this morning and decided send kids home early. First thing in the morning weather looked okay. I didnt really thick i going get you the school because it was not snowing about an how half into day. The School Leader sent student home including these kids at wanesville middle their families having to ajust a. I guess i like it. Maybe inconvenience. But nothing you cant deal with it. Since there was school even shortly. Snow day. But last three weeks, heywood seven. We average a little over eight will week schools been out more than it has been in seems like every night, one of those you know, clippers could come through. We get dusting in our townships, and several inches on the western and northern borders. Says, lower elevations can get dusting in while Higher Elevation can get much more. He says all of the terrain that 57 buses travel, must be trainingen into consideration with safety top priority. F