let us commend to the mercy of god, our maker and redeemer. the soul of elizabeth our late queen. heavenly father, king of kings. lord and giver of life who have thy grace and creation did form mankind in thine own image and in their great love, offer us life eternal in christ jesus. claiming the promises of thy most blessed son, we entrust the soul of elizabeth, our sister, here departed, to thy merciful keeping, ensure certain hope of the resurrection to eternal
to remember her long life of selfless service and ensure confidence to commit her to the mercy of god, our maker and redeemer. with gratitude, we remember her commitment to a high calling over so many years as queen and head of the commonwealth. with admiration, we recall her life-long sense of duty and dedication to her people. with thanksgiving, we praise god for her constant example of chri christian faith and devotion. with affection we recall the love for her family and the causes she held dear. now in silence, let us in our hearts and minds, recall our many reasons for thanksgiving.
life of selfless service, and ensure confidence to commit her to the mercy of god, our maker and redeemer. with gratitude, we remember her unswerving commitment to a high calling over so many years as queen and head of the commonwealth. with admiration, we recall her lifelong sense of duty and dedication to her people. with thanksgiving, we praise god for her constant example of christian faith and devotion. with affection, we recall her love for her family and her commitment to the causes she held dear. now, in silence, let us in our hearts and minds recall our many reasons for thanksgiving. pray for all members of her
inspiration of trust and faith in - inspiration of trust and faith in god~ inspiration of trust and faith in god~ we inspiration of trust and faith in god~ we will inspiration of trust and faith in god. we will meet inspiration of trust and faith in god. we will meet again. - inspiration of trust and faith in god. we will meet again. leti inspiration of trust and faith in - god. we will meet again. let others commend god. we will meet again. let others commend to god. we will meet again. let others commend to the god. we will meet again. let others commend to the mercy god. we will meet again. let others commend to the mercy of commend to the mercy of god our maker and commend to the mercy of god our maker and redeemer, commend to the mercy of god our makerand redeemer, the- commend to the mercy of god our maker and redeemer, the soul. commend to the mercy of god our maker and redeemer, the soul of| maker and redeemer, the soul of elizaheth maker and redeemer, the so
commonwealth and from the nations of the world. to mourn our loss, to remember her long life of selfless service and ensure confidence to commit her to the mercy of god, our maker and redeemer. with gratitude, we remember her unswerving commitment to a high calling over some years as queen and head of the commonwealth, with admiration, we recall her lifelong sense of duty and dedication to her people. with thanksgiving, we praise god for her constant example of christian faith and devotion. with affection, we recall her love for her family and her commitment to the the calling e