This is the shocking daily sight for a family of four who say they are under siege from drug addicts doing heroin and crack cocaine on their doorstep in Dublin city centre.
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that gardaí were called to an incident in a housing estate in the Clondalkin area on August 19th, 2021, where a man was…
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that gardaĆ were called to an incident in a housing estate in the Clondalkin area on August 19th, 2021, where a man was assaulted and intimidated.
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that gardaí were called to an incident in a housing estate in the Clondalkin area on August 19th, 2021, where a man was…
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that gardaí were called to an incident in a housing estate in the Clondalkin area on August 19th, 2021, where a man was…