Chair if you want to have me talk about the fillmore commercial districts runs from mccarthy and is home to the 13 Home Restaurant and she by a launch the familiar restaurants and boom, boom room and where supervisor breed grew up and spent time under the Redevelopment Agency with the shopping and entertainment and cultural hot spot this attacks folks the Planning Department outlined it ill read a portion of the report this neighborhood was under the authority of the Redevelopment Agency and this is a concentrated period in the early 80s and 90s while the development kept the diversity they didnt say maintain the historic Evergreen Commercial spaces and further the neighborhood under a went another jazz district and in many ways this was successful in bringing the night life activity to the area, however, the street suffers creating a named mcd for the first name is an important street to help with the vigilant to further build upon its identity this proprieties commercial uses on the
Framework to there will the unique needs and atmosphere theyre looking to foster their feel establishing the neighborhood are commercial districts is an important part of the plans to create corridors let me get into the details the proposed mcd runs 12 comblokz blocks from hate to aquifer and it will replace the r u t and that runs from hate to geary it is home to businesses like missouri joes and the oasis cafe its a vibrate mixed use corridor the mcd legislation will permit the uses on the seconds floor and it protects existing housing and encourages new houses whites preserving the wrashgd and removes the alcohol restrictive use and for the new mooukd and removes the type of alcohol that be sold and they maintain the prohibition on the finance and cash cords and provide a 5 foot height for 50 x that allows for the ground floor uses and defaults to the pending now a citywide policies regarding formula retail use formula retail the city has a formative the processes will be followed
Corridor our city is going to be investing over 10 million a place our neighborhood considers to be the spine it cucamonga connects us from marketing or market to kings street this legislation is for our residents and merchants thank you for your work with our office and our land use folks and colleagues, i i couldnt for your support. Thank you im extremely supportive of this measure we did something probably, maybe not ideal on market when we were starting to get more and more indications with the development and the Brand New Development space and this automatic default to bring in real estate offices and entitlement Companies Offices that are important to have in a neighborhood that typically shouldnt be on the greener level i totally agree this is a Public Safety safety but the vibe when the daytime offices are closed and are shuttled the whole weekend having a few of those say fine but a Tipping Point where a corridor losses its vitality this is when zoning controls should go in p
Identity this proprieties commercial uses on the second floor and encourages now a housing and prohibits housing on the second and third floors and provides the same height for the zoning and it defaults to the now a citywide policies regarding formula retail there is a new process in japantown on the other side of endearing with the mcd likely coming there wer78 careful not to provide any mcds on the japantown this is a thorough consultation with the community theyll serve we didnt ask individual merchant eros owns but want to thank the Merchant Division and from the fill more light go dprigs deviation and any provision about height or signage those mcds will create a vehicle for merchant to help to shape the future of the neighborhoods thank you Committee Members im here to asking answer questions. Thank you mr. Johnson. Okay probably too thorough. Thank you make sure that mention that to supervisor breed. laughter does the Planning Department wish to present on this or and diego the
Redevelopment agency and this is a concentrated period in the early 80s and 90s while the development kept the diversity they didnt say maintain the historic Evergreen Commercial spaces and further the neighborhood under a went another jazz district and in many ways this was successful in bringing the night life activity to the area, however, the street suffers creating a named mcd for the first name is an important street to help with the vigilant to further build upon its identity this proprieties commercial uses on the second floor and encourages now a housing and prohibits housing on the second and third floors and provides the same height for the zoning and it defaults to the now a citywide policies regarding formula retail there is a new process in japantown on the other side of endearing with the mcd likely coming there wer78 careful not to provide any mcds on the japantown this is a thorough consultation with the community theyll serve we didnt ask individual merchant eros owns