security, mike flynn, among other things, twice pled guilty to felonies before trump pardon him. but flynn has spent this time since basically becoming qanon celebrity number one. he posted a video of himself and his family reciting a qanon oath. he launched a merchandise site featuring qanon products. he showed up at qanon conferences. he auctioned off qanon items. one of the things that we covered last night was that now another qanon celebrity a lawyer named linwood. who was named a name for himself, by propagating theories like donald trump is actually still president and the military is secretly following trump orders even today. linwood, that guy, has released what he claimed is a recording of a phone call he had with flynn, in which mike flynn calls qanon, total nonsense. i qanon celebrities secretly recording phone calls with another qanon celebrity accusing him now of being a phony. this is very entertaining.
the mass delusion among trump supporters in which they say the word is run by a kabul of blood drinking satanic pedophiles who will be massacred by donald trump when he s restored to power. i know it sounds like the sort of insane fringe thing that couldn t possibly play an actual role in our country s politics but here we are, and in fact, a number of high profile people in trump s orbit have embraced it, in particular, mike flynn, who among other things twice pled guilty to felonies before trump pardon him, but flynn has spent this time since basically becoming qanon number one. he posted a video of him and his family reciting a qanon oath. he launched a merchandise site featuring qanon products. he showed up at qanon conferences and has like auctioned off qanon items. one of the things we covered last night was that now, another
among other things twice pled guilty to felonies before trump pardoned him, but flynn has spnt his time since becoming qanon number one. he launched a merchandise site featuring qanon products. he showed up at qanon conferences and has like auctioned off qanon items. one of the things we covered last night was that now, another qanon celebrity, a lawyer named lynn wood, who has made a name for himself by propagating theories like donald trump is still president and the military is secretly following his orders even today. lynnwood has released a recording of a phone call with flynn where flynn called qanon total nonsense. qanon celebrity secretly recording phone calls with another qanon celebrity accusing him now of being a phony. i can sell tickets to this. this is this is very
cabal of blood-drinking satanic pedophiles who will all be massacre in the a public execution by donald trump when he brings the storm, and therefore donald trump must be restored to power imminently to kill all the satan worshippers who are running the world. mike flynn these days is i think the biggest qanon celebrity that there is, to the extent you can define that term. there s him posting a video of him and his family members reciting a oath, a pledge of allegiance to qanon. he launched a merchandise site that features qanon themed products. he s showed up at multiple qanon conferences. he s auctioned off qanon themed items like this lucky q quilt. by the way, they would not just get the quilt, they d get the quilt signed by mike flynn along
prominent endorser of the qanon conspiracy tlir in which they believe the democratic party and government and also hollywood maybe run by a cabal of blood-drinking pedophiles that will all be massacred in a public execution by donald trump when he bringed the storm, and, therefore, donald trump must be restored to power immediately so he can kill all the satan worshippers running the world. mike flynn is, i think, the biggest qanon celebrity as there is to the extent you can define that term. there s a photo of him and his family members citing an oath, a pledge of allegiance to qanon. he launched a merchandise site that features qanon featured products. he s appeared at conferences and