Tata Power has received a favourable order from the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL) to provide tariff relief for its 7.5 lakh (750,000) customers in Mumbai. The order grants interim relief for the company and stays the Maharashtra State Electricity Regulatory Commission s (MERC) revised tariff schedule.
so a taylor swift fan gives an iconic interview under both a blanket to conceal her identity? i ll tell you why. because she obviously took time off work, probably didn t tell the boss why she was leaving work for that day, to get her hands on some swag. what are you hoping to snag at the merc truck? i want the gray quarter zip. we have one question here. why are you going gray quarter zip instead of blue crew neck which seems to be what everyone is after here? i have the blue crew neck. she already has it. so did you go to another show? because it can only be found at the merch truck? yes i had to go to another show. which one? nashville. they re talking about a t-shirt or something? apparently these are the styles of t-shirts that are available at the concert. and only specific types of shirts available at specific locations or concerts, where