guy, general sao. some people question his cowardice they say general sal s chicken. i don t think so. he is alternating tangy and spicey and sweet. that s why i did the segment is to give you the menu jokes. but i love the panda jammies. we could sell them on the factor. we could sell them on bill o all right. ron paul on miller s radar. and we ll let the d man sound off. also, what does miller have to say about vladimir putin? a hilarious miller coming up. congratulations. congratulations. congralations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology to inspire binesses to conserve energy and monitor costs. making communities greener. congratulations. . and buildings as valuable to the bottom line. whoa !
guy, general sao. some people question his cowardice they say general sal s chicken. i don t think so. he is alternating tangy and spicey and sweet. that s why i did the segment is to give you the menu jokes. but i love the panda jammies. we could sell them on the factor. we could sell them on bill o all right. ron paul on miller s radar. and we ll let the d man sound off. also, what does miller have to say about vladimir putin? a hilarious miller coming up. i was taking a multivitamin. but my needs changed.