Theres news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes is drowning in Plastic Waste we speak to the woman whos trying to make a countrys government plastics completely halfords five thousand is also coming out. We vitalizing nairobis colonial era library we me that book lovers reaping life into the building its books and its reputation. Thanks for joining us we start today with a story of one womans to ban plastic game gonna rubbish much of it plastic is often dumped in the streets due to insufficient bins and rubbish collection of Plastics Block drains and eventually end up in the ocean and now. Korea has
launched a petition to get plastics banned in her country was victorian a bit but best yes more gonna. Be effects of Plastic Waste this is a common sight on beaches across ghana Plastic Waste which wasnt properly disposed of washes ashore blocking drains and increasing the risk of water borne diseases. And they. Receive for is to. Waste collection trucks coming like this is the exc
the kitchen wastes. mentality waste plastic wastes solids and liquids everything goes into the garbage bin we don t do any separation or segregation whatsoever. began a in government once more investment in the recycling industry leaving waste can generate more than three hundred million dollars a year but some experts say it s too late. to exploit the value of plastics that we ve been defaced option but given the level of investment i talked about it appears we ve lost on the score for me to option is to but campaign is a pushing the government to do just that this petition posted on the website changed or cools for a ban on plastics and the clean ghana the needs not just in ghana but across the world is. if nothing changes the world economic forum says that by twenty fifty the