Buddhists raining down on president drum during his visit the game 5 of the world who is raining down on president drum during his visit the game 5 of the world series it has been headline after headline of the trumpet ministration all the series it has been headline after headline for the trumpet ministration all weekend long on one headline that you didnt see in the mainstream corporate weekend long on one headline that you didnt see in the mainstream Corporate News media was this curious little memorandum released last week by u. S. Attorney general news media was this curious little memorandum released last week by u. S. Attorney general william barr and titled the implementation of national disrupt william barr and titled the implementation of National Disruption and early in gauge been programs to counter the threat of mass shooting and early in gauge been programs to counter the threat of Mass Shootings in the memorandum barr outlines the new direction the departing. In the memo
Threat of mass shooters writing who direction the department of justice will be taking regards to the threat of mass shooters writing i directed the department of justice and the f. B. I. To lead an effort to refine our ability to identify i directed the department of justice and the f. B. I. To lead an effort to refine our ability to identify assess and engage potential mass shooters before they go up by assess and engage potential mass shooters before they strike and just how will bar in the d. O. J. Accomplish this bit of strike and just how will bar in the d. O. J. Accomplish this bit of precrime in Crime Fighting you ask well whitney webb of the Mint Press News observer 3 crime in Crime Fighting you ask whitney whether the Mint Press News observes that according to the memo the most jarring aspect of the memorandum is bars frank admission of that according to the memo the most jarring aspect of the memorandum is bars frank admission that many of the early engagement tactics that t
Like you feel that its what you want to see you during the day like you feel that this would be the last to lead to the bottom. Line is you get you to pull out of it if you like what they like you know i got. The feel like what they like you know i got hit with that we. Would have to deal. With. The little. League so. Well the world watching the hawks i am tired to tell. Well the world watching the hawks i am tired wilbur and top of the wall its an f. B. I. Director Christopher Ray actually its over and top of the wall its an f. B. I. Director Christopher Ray actually told lawmakers make. It in the 1st 3 quarters of the. First quarter is always on the air the 21901st goal year that the bureau had logged more than 100 domestic terror related to Russia Bureau had logged more than 100 domestic terror related arrests and i bet many of those were kind of white power cover their ass and i bet many of those were kind of white power couple of things going to go out there on their own merit or
Incompatible with French Valley a refund believe that islam is incompatible with french values those polls coming out just in the hours before this incident this attack just those polls coming out just in the hours before this incident this attack in which an 84 year old man has admitted to trying to shoot individually in which an 84 year old man has admitted to china to shoot individuals outside a mosque after he was surprised was attempting to bulls outside a mosque after he was surprised was attempting to burn down the mosque dual appreciate company this is all to join me from. The mosque tool to appreciate company this is all to join me for more and often. And often i. Greetings and salutation. Greetings and salutation from the jubilation over the u. S. Military raid that led to the suicide of from the jubilation over the u. S. Military raid that led to the suicide of isis leader abu bakar all baghdadi to the buddhas raining down lives its leader Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi to the buddha
Event. Hi, everyone. Im lavinia. Im 14 years old and Elizabeth Warren is my gammy. Gammy and i are very close, she comes to my diving practices and we have girls night sleepovers and we paint each others toe nails blue, of course. She works hard but makes time for our family. Shes always there for us no matter what. I want her to be the first female president of the United States. Because that is what girls do. Come on out, gammy. Hello los angeles wow, im glad to be here with all of you. That is why weve been in california, who are ready for big structural changes, los angeles . Now as you can see, its for me a family affair. You met lavinia, you met atticus, my other granddaughter octavia is here. My daughter amelia soninlaw, and my soninlaw, alex in the blue shirt. Its really good to be here with family. Very to say. Alex has been on the road with me. Alex has been my tech support since second grade. Its true. Its true. He runs his own business now. And is also trying a new one and