henneberg tattoo applied. what we re talking about isn t the traditional molly henneberg or mendi that is used in indian weddings. the traditional molly henneberg leaves an orange-brown color on the skin, that is fairly safe. i ve never seen any reactions to that. the issue becomes when tattoo artists call ttd, this is a substance that is fda approved for hair dye but not to be used on the skin. this is what can cause an allergic contact reaction in some people. jon: a lot of kid are out this week on spring break u know, going off to the beach, those little kiosks where they do this kind of thing. parents ought to know that, well the kid themselves ought to know that the traditional molly henneberg is basically okay, it s this black molly henneberg that you have to watch out nor. right. and the black molly henneberg it s not life threatening, it s not like somebody who is allergic to peanuts might have a serious reaction. it s a local contact reaction
they want to be part of a global population. they want to step up. that is the connection we can make now, and we can see. for myself, one of the things i did, because i still wanted to know where i came from, i took the dna testing to find out i came from sierra leonne, part of the mendi tribe. i think you see more young people either, my daughters, for example, they were glad they were part of the motivation, the reason why i wanted to have dna testing. that will connect us to the continent. interesting to hear the congress talking about dna testing. i have often felt a little trepidation that that s how we find our identity. but it s important, we re cut off from specific african history. we have mythical africa, as opposed to this is my home, this is the place i can name. the intentional paradise that defines african-american