earn what white, non-hispanic men earn in 2021 alone. do the mass. that is almost an extra year of work to earn the same amount. the national women s loss on to reports that full-time latino workers earned just 57 cents for every dollar that men make, and for part-time workers, it is just 54 cents. that is a 46 sent wage gap. it is nearly one point $2 million less over 4. 2 years. so at this, writes a latina has to work in till she is nearly 90 years old to earn what a white, non-hispanic man makes by the time is 60. sadly, thanks in part of the pandemic, these women are doing worse than they were before. last year latina equal pay day came nearly two months earlier on october 21st. the institute for the women s policy research out some statistics for turning things around. that includes offering living wages for the care and service job, typically filled by women. better access for higher paying jobs, and a tougher fight against discrimination. some in congress are trying to do just t
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who joined the gathering of advocates on Monday, pledged to continue his fight against domestic violence: “Literally everybody has been touched by this,” he said. “Everyone is affected in one way or another.”
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Connecticut advocates and elected officials gathered to discuss what they describe as a “shadow pandemic.”
IInterval House Connecticut’s largest domestic violence agency is set to observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month through its “Purple with a Purpose” campaign.
IInterval House Connecticut’s largest domestic violence agency is set to observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month through its “Purple with a Purpose” campaign.