a manual of advice for men how many of these things would have been on the list? four. men only read lists with four items in them. this is 45 items. my god, go on vacation for a month and study it. nobody is going to read this thing. anything on this list strike you as stupid? men lists. to get out of the friend zone you make it clear you are into her at the beginning. the way you do that you only hit on girls you are super into. a lot of guys go, she s pretty, why mott? they don t go for the chubby one with the wandering eye that they really want. go for her. i always tell guys, go ugly early. that works for you? yes. in the dark they all look the same. you don t need this. get a five. why does it have to be dark a? have to be dark? yeah, well, because it is not this. you said the best advice on this list was buy a plunger