translation, no one is above the law. and john f. kennedy, who in his iconic city upon a hill address, caution that anyone of us holding public office would be judged by the high court of history on whether we were truly men or women of courage, with the courage to stand up to one s enemies, and the courage to stand up as well to ones associates, the courage to resist public pressure as well as private greed. whether we are truly men and women of integrity who never run out of the systems we believe and neither financial ambition can divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust. president donald trump is different and disdainful of that sacred trust, conspired to extract personal benefit. i refuse to abandon mine. i yield back. gentleman from north dakota.
partisan impeachment sham and i yield back. the gentleman from california. speaker, i now yield one minute to the judgment from colorado. gentleman is recognized for one minute. thank you, madam speaker. years ago, i took my first post to the country, went to war and follow side our finest men and women. some of them gave their lives to this nation but not a day passes by i don t reflect on those sacrifices. i learned during that time that our nation is built on sacrifi sacrifice. we don t make people have decided to put together aside the personal interest, livelihoods, and, yes, give their lives to do what s best for our nation. our founders created a system to ensure that we would have no kings or dictators. a system that vested power in the people, to ensure that no man or woman is above the law. generation after generation, the system has survived because people have fought for it. today, it is our turn.