their dad s hands and these are the worst of the worst. the craigslist killer. the chameleon killer, the classified ad killer. some of them responsible for up to 50 rapes and dozens of murders. ainsley: do they have normal lives now? they try to but many of them are convinced that the murder gene is within them and they think they have to fight it. i mean, it just hangs over their whole lives for the rest of their life and their families. ainsley: god is bigger than that god is bigger than evil. thank you so much. i pray. ainsley: yeah. thank you for inviting me. ainsley: you are welcome. good to see you, nancy. you can see children of serial killers on fox nation now. remember when a memo school board meetings to domestic terrorists republicans like jim jordan getting to the bottom of the name calling. next guest set to testify before congress today and joins us live from capitol hill next.