Morning it s Indian Sarah breakfast on this Wednesday it s the 30th of August today with the latest news 6 has Kevin Stanley the United Nations Security Council has unanimously condemned North Korea for firing a ballistic missile over Japan the statement issued after an emergency meeting was agreed by China and Russia the Chinese said America and South Korea should show restraint no specific action is being planned against North Korea but the u.s. Ambassador Nikki Haley said it sent a clear signal the world is united against North Korea there is no doubt about that it is time for the North Korean regime to recognize the danger they are putting themselves in the United States will not allow their lawlessness to continue and the rest of the world is with us residents in the meadows area of Nottingham claimed their homes have been overrun by rats since building work started nearby the city council says it s pest control experts don t believe the problems have been caused by the works on
9295810 medium wave and on digital radio b.b.c. Radio Scotland Good afternoon it s 4 o clock. Am This is news Dr with the Valley Stewart tonight Scottish Labor is looking for a new leader have taken the party forward is a much better state and I find it now it s time to pass the baton on to the next person why are some council struggling to fill teaching posts we advertised for a computing teacher to fulfill into fill the vacancy. So we put that in and unfortunately we got 0 applicants for the post and it s emerged shell was ordered to shut down a North Sea platform because of safety concerns this is just the latest in a series of serious safety concerns raised about cell installations. All of that to come 1st the news from Amanda Vanny Thank you good afternoon Scottish Labour s interim leader has confirmed he will not stand for the leadership speaking after Kenzie a Dugdale unexpectedly resigned last night Jeremy Corbin Neil Finn Lay has also ruled himself out of the contest as Dugda
Still raise you sick. Sick bastard. It s 9 o clock I m Tim Parker support for black women with cancer must expand according to house workers as a woman from Shepherd has described this morning how she s had to cope with her skin color changing as she was treated for kidney cancer Paul Edwards was devastated when she became paler than some of her mixed raced relatives during treatment but is being supported through a group called Sisters against cancer who are mostly from black or ethnic minority communities it s Cherise Thompson says Paula s experiences are still raw This is a 1st for me as always works within council services and actually my own family has been affected a levels when I ve listened to many patients but it s the 1st time I ve come across it so we don t know yet because there haven t been as many black men are shifting people treat it as the work risk population and h s maternity units in England turned away expectant mothers 42 times last year the decisions not to acce
Says Graham Rogers ready for the Saturday Breakfast Show after the news pick cloudy but overcast 1st thing this morning should be a largely dry bright day and feel rather warm especially in the sunshine through the afternoon so they stop temperature 20 Celsius 68 degrees Fahrenheit. On effort on Law and stitches in. The b.b.c. Will show. It s 6 o clock am so fee Parker with the latest news politicians who support reason they will need to run a minority government have been making clear what they expect in return with Davidson who leads the conservatives in Scotland has asked the Mrs may find a sure it s the that the Tories will uphold tolerance of social policies if they do a deal with the Democratic Unionists Sarah Smith reports by winning 12 additional seats in Scotland Ruth Davidson played a significant part in helping to reason mate is the dining street but she s clearly not entirely comfortable about an alliance with the party who oppose same sex marriage. Because there were 10 w
Where that leaves the u.k. Will follow the stories as they emerge through the morning but do have your say today on the general election of 27 so you know 34595757 is my phone number you can text 81333 Start your message with the word radio with your reaction to the election results. And Information Systems sakes on f.m. And on the a.b.c. Digital radio deceased s in. The morning it s 9 o clock am Emily Jeffrey Labor and the Liberal Democrats have won one seat each back from the conservatives in Sussex where the u.k. Now faces a period of uncertainty after the conservative slim majority was wiped out in the general election leaving a hung parliament with all but 3 seats declared the Tories have 316 seats 10 short of the figure needed to form a majority Labor has gained 29 seats with 261 M.P. s to reason may said the country needed stability but there have been calls from within the party for her to step down the Conservative leader former Conservative leader in Duncan Smith says this w