I wont sugar coat this, this is a disappointing day for us. Democrats are declaring victory. Today is a great day for our country. Its a victory. Tonight, senator Bernie Sanders on how it fell apart after seven years of promising repeal. Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as obamacare. [ cheers and applause ] and where we go from here with Michael Moore. I think we have to let obamacare go its way for a while. And another escalation in the devin nunes debacle when all in starts right now. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated. Good evening from los angeles, im chris hayes. Obamacare is alive and trumpcare is dead. And the Republican Party with control of the white house and majorities in both the senate and House Of Representatives is reeling tonight after failing to
achieve what has been their single biggest goal for the past seven years and the numberone agenda item of Donald Trumps presidency. Minutes before it was due for a vote
they have questions for him. he is the man at the center of donald trump s moscow tower project and now he ll testify publicly before congress sharing with the world what he knows about the president s business dealings. i was trying to use this opportunity because i had tried to build trump tower in moscow as well as london and paris. they will likely grill him on what trump knew ability the deal and when. on possible financing sources. he said if the trump moscow project moved forward he would have made sure trump was hands on. i would have turned over every rock to make sure that everyone was involved. he was e-mailing michael cohen in 2015 and 2016 about the moscow deal. that deal would have netted trump s business of $4 million up front fee. special counsel said if the deal had been successful it would
diverse class in terms of districts but also in terms of the people they represent they have to be willing to take votes. there has been a big discussion where there are some memberover congress that don t believe they should have to put some of these new members in traditionally held districts in that position. i don t think a lot of folks realize that. they were blind sided on this vote. it is a best outcome possible. they got to vote what they believe or what their district would like to a gun control bill. they made the policy and they let them have their own vote to show some difference from the rest of the democratic party which comes from coastal areas.
would argue this. a memberover congress goes ahead and issues a threat like this suggesting she is about to learn a lot meaning maybe they have more assorted details? you know, i keep being shocked. that s the kind of smash mouth, full on combat between the parties and between folks that are loyalists and folks perceived to be a threat that has sadly become normalized in the last two years. i was frankly struck by sarah sanders comments as well. we are at a stage here where we are trying to get to the bottom of is a candidate and office and
th kli chi china to denuclearize. i m hopeful the president won t do anything sudden or abrupt in that field. i was at a security conference where there were the leaders of dozens of other countries. our president s very abrupt decision to withdraw our troops lead without any consultation with our allies that had a troops in combat at that moment or where leaders in congress has set many people on edge as they look at this conference and anticipate what sorts of concessions president trump might be willing to make in order to get a positive outlook. right now your good friend from delaware, the former vice president joe biden says he is very close to a decision for presidential nomination.