Kaleidoscope Visions monthly panel transit reading, “Transiting Pluto and Mars”. “Pluto enters Aquarius March 23 through June 11 and will return to stay in Aqua
Kaleidoscope Visions monthly panel transit reading, “Transiting Saturn & Pisces”. “Saturn enters Pisces March 7 for two and half years. Pluto enters Aquariu
Archetypal Symbols topic, “Marry Spirit/Material Rebirthing Values” for the 01°Aquarius New Moon on Jan 21. “Energetically this 01° Aquarius New Moon serves to
Tune in to Talk Cosmos, Sunday, Jan 15 at 1-2 p.m. PST for a special guest panel of four leaders representing their astrology school to discuss “ Envisioning As
“Turning Winter Vibrations of Solstice and New Year Charts” with a new panel called Good Vibrations focusing on Vibrational Astrology, commonly known as VA. “Vi