AMX and DWS tackle pooled pension funds voting problem Feb 01, 2021 By Funds Europe
DWS and The Asset Management Exchange (AMX) have collaborated on a service aimed at getting pension funds in pooled investment funds to be better represented at company AGMs.
Working in partnership with Minerva Analytics and Northern Trust, the scheme aggregates investor stewardship preferences and seeks to execute votes in alignment with their demands.
Where aggregate investor preferences conflict within a pooled fund, voting instructions can be split accordingly.
The launch of the service follows the UK Government’s announcement in December 2020 of the establishment of the Taskforce on Pension Scheme Voting Implementation to encourage industry solutions linking investor preferences to corporate voting actions.
So far, DC plans have largely been focused on the onset of auto-enrolment and changes to the regulatory framework - be it the ‘charge cap, ‘pension freedoms or consultations around ‘value for money , says Annabel Tonry, Executive Director at J.P. Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM).Download
In 2015 George Osborne, then the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, decided that those age over 55 could take much more of their pension in cash. This has since opened up a range of possibilities for DC scheme members in the world of pensions.Download
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